
Entry1  hafatra
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  [1.1] Teny apetraka amin' olona iray mba hampitainy amin' ny olon-kafa iray: Lasa nitondra hafatra izy
Torohevitra, didy, teny apetraka: Izao no hafatr' i Dada tamiko talohan' ny handehanany
Explanations in English  4  [1.2, 1.7] a message
5  [1.2] a will, a testament, a request, an order for something. See didy.
6  [1.7] a recommendation; an order for merchandise
Explanations in French  7  [1.3, 1.8] message; recommandation; commande de marchandise
8  [1.3] commission
Examples  9  fa izao no hafatra nataony: [2.293]
10  Nifantoka mafy tao an-tsainy ny hafatra natao azy. [2.470]
11  Ary nametrahana hafatra koa ka milaza. [2.472]
12  Simple :
13  Active verbs :
14  Passive verbs :
15  Relative verbs :
16  Names :
17  Adjectives :
Compound words 
Titles  25  Hafatry ny Mpaminany (Doriguzzi A.)
26  Hafatry ny mpanabe (Ratrema William)
27  Md François hafatra velona (Gobry Ivan)
28  Ny hafatro (Rakotomalala Fredy Jaofera)
29  Ny Hafatry ny Ombalahibemaso : Seho an-tsehatra notsongaina avy amin' ny tantaran-dRadama Voalohany (Randriamamonjy Esther)
Proverbs  30  Proverbs containing the word hafatra

Anagrams  31  afahatr, ahafatr, fahatra, hafatra

Updated on 2025/02/01